Work Completed at Icon Marketing Communications
All projects listed below was assigned and completed directly by myself.
Sealy® Custom landing pages redesign for amazon
Sealy® needed a branding refresh done on their Amazon landing pages. The 40 JPGs I created were spread across 6 pages. This project had a very fast pace timeline and was due within a week.
Assets created in Photoshop and Illustrator
Ashley HomeStore Custom Evergreen Assets
Ashley HomeStore required several custom evergreen assets that included 5 carousels, 5 static posts, and 5 sets of static banners (3 sizes of each kind) based off of the social posts below. Three of the five carousels are shown.
Created in Photoshop
TEMPUR-Ergo® SMART BASe Custom assets
Assets created for retailers featuring the TEMPUR-Ergo® Smart Base. These were used as a starting point to use for further customization depending on the retailers request.
Custom social media animations concept and design by me and created in AfterEffects.
This storyboard was created to live on an Amazon page that features three different Tempur-Pedic® mattresses. I created the concept and designed it in Illustrator. I created different assets and laid out typography so I could send this storyboard to a video production company named 779. Based on the storyboard they created the video below it.
PDP assets created for 12 different Tempur-Pedic® mattresses. Each graphic shows a feature of the mattress, the square images are for above the fold and rectangular ones belong below the fold. All assets were created in Photoshop.
Tempur-pedic® sleepstakes poster
A RSA requested a poster created to show directions on how to win the Tempur-Pedic® Sleepstakes this summer. They wanted something fun and easy to read.
Created in Illustrator and InDesign
TEMPUR-PEDIC® Summer of sleep web banners
A retailer needed Tempur-Pedic® web banners created to advertise the Summer of Sleep sale. This included “Limited Time Only” and “Ends Monday” offers at two different price points.
Created in Photoshop
Exclusive Furniture needed a Sealy® and Stearns&Foster® co-branded custom RSA product guide. Formatted as a tri-fold brochure, it includes all of the information for each mattress that the store has in stock.
Created in InDesign
Ryle Raiders Cheer Breast Cancer Awareness
Ryle Raiders Cheer team needed a custom t-shirt design to sell as a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Created in Illustrator, Mockup created in Photoshop